Experimental Tsunami Alert Delivery

Experimental software facilitating an open source community based tsunami warning system.

ETAD email based alerting system

This is a collection of scripts allowing anyone to set up a server issuing tsunami warnings to end users. It takes earthquake notifications from Red Puma and USGS, and if certain criteria are met issues an email warning to be issued. There is an experimental mail server which you can subscribe to on experimental-list-subscribe@etad.org.uk.

ETAD has a (slow) web site. This provides more information on the tsunami alerts which have been issued. It also has more information about the experimental system which is currently being used.


This is a C program which generates an unsorted list of places which could be affected by a tsunami with a given epicenter. It generates a list of anticipated travel times for the tsunami, and generates a map showing the location of the tsunami after half an hour and at hourly intervals. Based on ideas published by Annunziato and Best of the European Commission Joint Research Centre, this software can produce a map and list in about 20-30 seconds. It is intended for use as part of an alerting system.

How ETAD Came About

Shortly after the tsunami of boxing day 2004 a group of people came together with the professed target of developing an 'Open Tsunami Alert System' - OTAS. While this group was in the early stages of planning two of its members, Brian Butcher and Ben Middleton, started writing experimental software to establish the feasibility of some aspects of the project.

By June 2005 planning activity in OTAS seemed to have come to a halt. We intend that work should continue on ETAD, even if we do not aim for a complete, fully self contained system